Street Racing in Connecticut and Teenagers

Teenage drivers can have the impulse to test limits. Whether they are influenced by their friends, responding in kind to a challenge, or satisfying their own curiosity, teenage drivers are at risk for street racing. Movies and tv shows glorify street racing. However, unlike in the movies and on tv shows, street racing is highly dangerous and places lives at stake.

My Teen Has a “Need for Speed” – What Can I Do?

  1. You need to educate your teenager about the real-world dangers of racing.

Street racing is highly illegal. Racing accidents can injure more than just the participants. Everyone in the area is placed in danger. Connecticut’s roads are not meant to be used as race tracks. Your car or truck is not a high-performance racing car. Your teenage is not a trained professional race car driver. Racing is highly dangerous, and Connecticut’s police respond seriously to street racing incidents.

  1. You need to tell them about the harsh penalties if they are caught racing.
  • Street racing is a misdemeanor crime, which carries up to one year in jail;
  • Their driver’s license will be suspended for six months by the DMV; and
  • Multiple-time offenders face a longer suspension and more severe court penalties.
  1. You can be sued for money in civil court by anyone harmed by racing.

Racing accidents expose both your teenage driver and you to a civil lawsuit. If your teen loses control of his or her car and gets into an accident, anyone hurt or harmed as a result has a right to sue you. As parents to a minor operating a motor vehicle, you are legally responsible for your teenager’s actions. If another person is injured or their property is damaged because of a street racing accident, the injured party has the right to sue both your teenager and you.

Getting Help

All responsible parents must discuss the dangers of high-speed driving and street racing with your teenage drivers. While your teenager might have the “need for speed,” you must educate them about the real-world risks and dangers of street racing.

If your child was caught with this motor vehicle violation, seek legal assistance for them as soon as you can. You can contact my office to discuss a street racing charge with me. I can explain the process of what happens next in greater detail and review your teenager’s case. I am happy to guide your family through this experience.