Amusement Park or Pool Injuries That Could Happen to Your Child

One of the best things about summer is traveling to your favorite amusement park or pool to cool down in the heat. Fun memories can be made at these parks, but it’s also easy for children to get injured as they’re running around wet surfaces. There are certain measures parents or guardians can take to reduce the likelihood of an accident occurring and also ways to help a child that has found themselves in this position. You can learn more about protecting kids from pool or amusement park injuries below.

How Can a Child Get Injured at an Amusement Park?

There are several ways in which children get hurt while at public pools or amusement parks.

  1. The ride could be in working condition but result in headaches, dizziness, or nausea for the riders.
  2. Passengers could cause harm to others while on the ride. Accidentally, there have been scenarios where arms or legs have mistakenly injured another child.
  3. Operation issues can also lead to injuries. This is when an employee fails to check for any missing seatbelts or safety requirements that prevent injuries while the ride is in service.
  4. Lastly, mechanical issues can cause common injuries at pools or amusement parks. If a lap belt becomes lose or any piece of the ride falls off, this can cause serious injuries.

These issues could result in whiplash, broken bones, strokes, or possibly death.

Amusement Park Incidents

There are a couple of claims you have the option of filing if your child was injured at an amusement park. First is the liability product claim that goes against the company if there was a defect in the ride at all. The other option is for the entire amusement park which is a negligence claim. This claim is only valid if there is proof of lack of care while your child was entering the ride or on the ride. If both claims are appropriate to your case, then both can be filed simultaneously.

Avoiding Injuries at the Pool

There are many precautions that parents can take when it comes to children playing in pools.

The list includes:

  • Making sure that your child is a strong swimmer
  • Always putting your child in a life jacket when swimming
  • Putting up fences around pool areas
  • Watching your child swim,
  • Not allowing them to swim alone at night

By following this list of precautions, your child will have met the requirements for swimming in a safe environment. Keep in mind that depending on if it is a private pool or public pool setting, the fault for an injury could be on the company.

Getting Help

Talk to a lawyer for all the questions you might have regarding amusement park or pool injuries. We will help in any way that we can. Contact our office at 203-208-3067.